Monday, January 18, 2010

World Drama Wheel

Imagine a few children playing on a playground for quite some time now. Initially, the game was very interesting, and everybody was playing with joy and full enthusiasm. However, new players kept coming in, and the former kids got tired over a period of time. Gradually, cheating began in the game. There were fights, quarrels, and a lot of frustration. As they were innocent young kids, all of them started crying and then remembered their parents. They called out for their parents. The parents listened to their cry, but still encouraged them to play. The parents sent their other kids late in the game to encourage the kids, but in vain.

Gradually, the games became so unpleasant that it was impossible for the kids to continue playing, but by this time, they had forgotten their home, and were completely unaware of their home due to the loss of memory (because they were always engrossed in the game). However, there were still some kids who were enjoying the game quite a lot - even if they were cheating others, or playing their own part.

Then came the time, when the parent could not see their children suffer, and came down to the playground, introduced themselves to their kids, reminded their kids of who they were, and whoever realized this (first group), went with the parents. These were the ones who completely played their game and then went. They began telling other kids that their parents have come. There were other children (second group) who were so engrossed in the game that they did not even look at the parents or try to listen to them. There were some others (third group), who understood who their parents were, understood who they were, but it was their den, so they could not leave the game incompletely (after all they had to do justice to the game). So, with this understanding, they continued to play the game. Meanwhile, while playing the game, they also told others that their parents have come. Imagine a situation when all are forced to leave the ground due to their complete helplessness and weakness. By this time, the playground will have become very old and dirty, and the parents will come and the kids will have no option but to leave the ground forcefully (even if they want to play). But the next time there is an opportunity to play; will the kids not be attracted to the game again?This is what the world is all about.

We (the souls) are all the kids playing in this World Drama the various roles that we have been playing so far. The game began from Satyug (Golden Age - Duration: 1250 years), when the game was excellent, perfect, and we were all completely aware that we are here for enjoyment, fun, frolic, and with complete enthusiasm (complete soul-consciousness). We had no vices, no negative karmas, and we were completely pure. Then came the Tretayug (Silver Age - Duration: 1250 years) gradually, when new souls (players) came in. The game (world) was still good, just a small fraction old. Then came the Dwaparyug (Copper Age - Duration: 1250 years), when many new souls (players) came in, and the cheating began (due to body-consciousness). Gradually, we forgot that we are a soul, but thought that we are a body. Remember, you read earlier, whenever we wear something for a very long time, we consider it as our integral part? We started crying out for God (our eternal, incorporeal Father), because we gradually started facing pain, hurt, hatred, and loss. He knew that we would still enjoy the game, so He sent his other children (like the prophets Jesus Christ, Budhdha, Mohammed, Swami Vivekanand) for betterment of the world, but in vain, because we could not find God (i.e. unconditional love, happiness) and we were already gripped by the vices of sex-lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego (body-consciousness - i.e. thinking 'I am this body'), we thought these prophets are Gods, and we began worshiping them, and formed sub-branches of innumerable religions. We expected a miracle to happen on meeting God, which is untrue, hence we believed these humans to be God(s).

Now, the time (Kalyug Iron Age - Duration: 1250 years) has come when the World Drama (game) has become very chaotic and unmanageable by any human being. Nature has become unpredictable, and so has the human mind. Nobody can revert back the Global Warming, and nobody can revert back the corrupted minds of the souls. This is when God Himself intervenes (recollect Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya?) and converts this chaotic world to a peaceful world, not by magic, but by transformation of the souls.

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