Showing posts with label Golden Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden Age. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2010

World Drama Cycle is Knowing about TIME

Today we learn about the beginning, the middle and the end of one complete ‘time cycle’ of this world. More than anything else, we will understand the great significance of the period we are undergoing at present.

The world has been in existence since eternity and it will continue to be eternal. The world was neither created anytime before nor will it get destroyed later, because matter can neither be created nor destroyed, it only undergoes transformation from one form to another. Similarly this world also undergoes changes in its characteristics, but as such the world was not created out of nothing nor will there be a total annihilation.

The cycle of time is best understood with the help of the picture of the world drama wheel. It illustrates the “flow” of time. In the middle of it is the Fylfot ( Swastika ) which divides the Time into four equal parts. The Swastika is considered to be very  auspicious.

In the first part  of this Wheel of Time,  marked by Swastika is shown Golden Age. Here the arm of the Swastika is pointing towards right because the right arm symbolizes what is good or what brings about goodness. In these early times, when the cycle started, people of the diety religion ( Sanatan Dharma) were possessed of divine qualities and nature and they enjoyed complete purity, 100% peace and complete prosperity.

Then came the Silver Age. In this era too, people were possessed of purity, peace and prosperity to a very high degree. But the degree of their divine qualities had decreased a little. They were two degrees less divine than the people of the Golden Age who were divine to the extent of 16 degrees. Therefore the arm of Swastika that indicates this epoch is bent downwards because souls in this era had come down from the state of super-righteousness to what is just righteous.

Next came Copper Age.After having experienced beatitude and fruition for many a life, turned ti the path of vices or unrighteousness. This is why the arm is reversed because the left hand symbolizes what is impure and auspicious. People then were second-grade by their nature, qualities and actions. Mankind is now divided on various religions; strifes and disputes started to appear and the five vices brought disquiet and sorrow in homes.

Steadily, unrighteous doings, ie the actions done under the sway of one or the other of these five vices, led the world to more and more impurity and sufferings and the world came under the yoke of Iron Age ( Kaliyuga). Strifes, wars, bellicosity and the resulting peacelessness increased rapidly in frequency and intensity in this era. Therefore the fourth of Swastika is shown raising itself up to indicate the rise in conflicts, clashes and calamities. Then, a stage comes when ignorance, lassitude, stupor, moral turpitude and sin become dominant. People become devilish by nature and religion becomes utterly degenerate.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Knowing About Time - Golden Age

Satyug / Golden Age

This is the phase that lasts for 1250 years. You can see it in this diagram. This period is also called the Heaven, Paradise, Garden of Eden, Garden of Allah, Swarg by all of us. Heaven is different from the Soul World (Paramdhaam). Heaven is the period that exists on this Earth itself. It is not anywhere in the sky, or on any mountain. It exists right here, and the time has now come when Heaven is going to be re-established on this earth, so be ready to be a part of it. Soul World is where everybody has to go together at one point of time, however, Heaven is not where all of us will go.Satyug is the period formed in the Asian sub-continent when all the souls there exist as deities. The very first soul who takes birth in the Satyug is Lord Krishna. Since all the souls take the form of deities in Satyug, it is obvious that they are completely vice-less. They are completely pure. They are 100% soul-conscious, and completely aware of their virtues. Thus, souls in this period are called 16 Kala Sampurna.

World Drama Cycle 5000 years - Golden Age Detailed

Every soul takes a birth of 150 years long. Thus, every soul takes approximately 8 births in the Satyug, playing the roles of 8 deities during these births. You may think that if the deities are completely pure, how does the process of birth take place? It takes place through the power of yoga and through vibrations. Unlike today�s world (Kalyug), when birth takes place as a result of vice-ful acts (bhrashtaachaar)!

Satyug by its end has a population of 9 lakh deities.Currency in this age is Gold. All actions performed by the souls here are neutral, because no Karmic Accounts (see Law of Karma chapter) are created. This is the beautiful age when Tigers and Goats drink water from the sweet river together. There is just one pleasant season, Spring. No diseases, no pain, no hurt. There are Vimans using which we fly from one place to another. There are also school and Arts, Drawing, Singing, Dancing is taught then. Paramdhaam is called Muktidhaam, where we seek Mukti, whereas Satyug is where we get Jeevanmukti i.e. being able to enjoy in corporeal form.